UniSec's vISO
Virtual Information Security Officer
Upgrade Your Cybersecurity With World-Class Leadership
IT security for every company, large or small has become a “top of the list” concern. Every day brings news of yet another breach of a major corporation, government agency, hospital, public utility or financial institution. If you don’t continue to maintain and update your electronic safeguards, your client data, intellectual property and employee medical and financial information, even your operations will be compromised. It’s just a matter of time. The ever-increasing costs of a breach to your business operations and reputation make it even more important to maintain contemporary safeguards.
Your organization can now have an experienced, focused Information Security Officer (ISO), dedicated to the real security and compliance issues that can mean the difference between success and failure in today’s business environment.
UniSec’s vISO service gives you the same up to date security controls and compliance that come with a full time, experienced ISO, available every day, providing the security of a “full time”, experienced ISO, at a price you can afford.
You can choose from the following services and customize a unique security/compliance package that is just right for your business:
Policy Package
Complete IT Policy Template
Specific Customer Customization
Annual Updates
DR/BC Program
Written, customized DR/BC plan
Annual updates
Annual DR/BC table-top test (onsite)
Preparation of annual report to board of directors
Vendor Management Program
Written vendor management policies
Tiering of IT vendors
Creation of Vendor Status spreadsheet
Maintenance of due diligence for each vendor
Preparation of annual report to board of directors
IT Security Training
Up to four one-hour sessions on site, for employees, board and customers
Scan and Compliance Program
Monthly Vulnerability scanning
Quarterly Penetration testing, internal and external network
Quarterly remediation of any vulnerabilities found
Complete quarterly/annual report on both scanning and remediation status
Complete Security and Compliance Management and Consulting Program
On site review of IT security and compliance documentation
On site review of overall physical and electronic security
On site review of IT related insurance coverage
Creation of a Reporting Matrix
Review and assistance in preparing annual security and compliance reports
Annual ISO/IEC 27001 based IT Security audit of systems and compliance operations
One or two on site planning and review meetings a year
A small investment now can prevent a possible catastrophic hack, which can bring repercussions that could mean the crippling of your company.